384th Bombardment Group (Heavy) in World War II

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Home / 384th During WWII / 384th Bomb Group Lead Crews /

28 June 1943
Peaslee, Pulcipher

Untitled8.jpg 22 June 1943<br />Peaslee, HankinsonThumbnails10 July 1943 Harris, Dietel22 June 1943<br />Peaslee, HankinsonThumbnails10 July 1943 Harris, Dietel22 June 1943<br />Peaslee, HankinsonThumbnails10 July 1943 Harris, Dietel22 June 1943<br />Peaslee, HankinsonThumbnails10 July 1943 Harris, Dietel22 June 1943<br />Peaslee, HankinsonThumbnails10 July 1943 Harris, Dietel22 June 1943<br />Peaslee, HankinsonThumbnails10 July 1943 Harris, Dietel22 June 1943<br />Peaslee, HankinsonThumbnails10 July 1943 Harris, Dietel

28 June 1943, Fighter Airfield near Beaumont-le-Roger, France

Back Row: 2LT William Eudey (N), 1LT *James Ray Martin-Vegue (Group Navigator), 1LT *Robert E. Langlois (TG/OBS), 1LT Ralph R. Pulcipher (CP), Col Budd J. Peaslee (P, Group Commander), 2LT Paul S. Givens (B).

Front Row: S/SGT Asbury Lee Perkins (R), S/SGT Willard D. Mclain (BT), T/SGT Judson L. Dacus (Eng/TT), S/SGT Thomas E. Furrey (WG), SGT Joe M. Hawkins (WG).

Langlois, a pilot, was assigned the tail gun position to serve as formation observer.

Crewmembers identified with a * are not identified on the original photo from which this image was made. Also, on the memo on the back of the photo, the positions of Dacus and Furrey are exchanged.

The aircraft is 42-5843 SO*S, BLACK GHOST.

Note what appears to be battle damage in the upper left part of the O.

Photo provided by Marc Poole, 2014, replacing an earlier one from Willard McLain.

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