102838 photos in 1130 sub-albums
Combat Mission Documents
Welcome to the 384th Bombardment Group (Heavy) Photo Gallery. This gallery makes available the photographic and documentary portion of the 384th BG record. All content on this gallery is visible to all visitors. Those wishing to enter a comment or contribute images will need to register and log in (links at left of Home page). Please register for an account when you need access beyond viewing gallery content. For additional information about the 384th BG, visit the 384th Bomb Group website⇗.
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102838 photos in 1130 sub-albums
Combat Mission Documents
15010 photos in 94 sub-albums
Individual Sortie Records document the combat mission credits and military awards earned.
10300 photos in 351 sub-albums
Morning reports are generated and maintained by every US Army unit. These reports document all personnel actions and significant unit activity, on a daily basis.
2450 photos in 90 sub-albums
Units generated personnel rosters for various purposes, primarily for payroll, but also for other reasons.
2164 photos in 36 sub-albums
"Special Orders" provide a great deal of information about the administrative side of running the Group.
125 photos
Detailed monthly inventory reports of all 384th BG aircraft, from June 1943 to July 1945.
527 photos in 26 sub-albums
Station Bulletins provided useful information for the servicemen stationed at Grafton Underwood.
5778 photos in 67 sub-albums
MICROFILMS: A portion of the group and squadron records were microfilmed by the Air Force Historical Research Agency at Maxwell AFB.
57 photos
Hometown News Releases were generated by the Public Affairs Office and sent stateside for publication in newspapers serving the airman's hometown.
17 photos
The "Salt Tablet" was published at Wendover for all groups stationed there.
These issues were from the period the Group was training there.
16 photos
The Plane News was published by the 384th during its time in WWII.
136 photos in 3 sub-albums
Mission records for post-war activities.